I think it’s A I don’t know I’m also learning about this but I’m not sure
Agricultular economy, proslavery few towns and cities
The great ancient civilizations flourished around river valleys because the rivers produce rich fertile soil and a supply of water for irrigation of crops and human consumption. This allows for the agricultural production to be greater and it can sustain more people.
Harsh Conditions Starvation Trench Foot
The stalemate continued for so long because neither side could gain the advantage because they were shot attempting to cross no mans land
The two most mentioned disagreements of Jefferson and Hamilton by history channels about how the monetary system of the USA should work can notably be about Hamilton's plan on establishing a National Bank, where Jefferson strongly opposed, arguing that the Congress does not have the power to create a bank. And Hamilton alongside that plan of having a National Bank also plans to create tariffs, or what we commonly call tax nowadays and to consolidate the nation's debt that they incurred during the American Revolution but again Jefferson is strongly opposed this idea because he argued that the creating tariffs would be a burden to farmers or the regular people, and if the debts are consolidated, the states that have already paid off their own debts would have to pay for the debts of other states.