Uhmm OK what is it? Tell us so we can answer
Number 1 I know is correct
Caboceers are the native African chiefs that the European Slave traders pick to work with them.
So, the European Slave traders Gave Caboceers a great sum amount of wealth to help them acquire African Slaves. (so they don't have to get their hands dirty)
Caboceers will order the members of their tribes to capture other African people from weaker/smaller tribes and Give those captured to the European. Compared to modern day business, the role of Caboceers probably similar to the role of material supplier.
Mainstreaming occurs in this particular
circumstance. What mainstreaming means is, according to Stanley Baran and Dennis Davis
authors of the book “Mass Communication Theory: Foundations, Ferment, and
Future”, that television symbols make the main source of information and influence
the most the person's view of the outside world. It makes person align more with
what TV says than maybe what is actually, objectively true. This can be
explained with the question similar to this one: Are economic austerity
measures failing? We may think they are because someone on the TV is forcing
that they are even if they are actually succeeding. That is why it is important
to critically think and look at real, objective data and for television to be
unbiased and objective as much as it can.