O2 is a Gas , we aspire it from the air
If a stimulus to a neuron is great enough, ___<u>t</u><u>h</u><u>r</u><u>e</u><u>s</u><u>h</u><u>o</u><u>l</u><u>d</u>_____ is reached and an action potential is generated.
We group artworks with similar characteristics into periods or styles because it is easiest to do it that way - this way we can find common characteristics in these literary/artistic eras, and name them. For example, the Renaissance had a distinct style, which differs greatly from that of Romanticism.
a. lack of running water
The Tippy tap technology was invented to solve the issue of running water problem. This technology is designed mainly for hand washing and it is used in the rural area to solve the running water problem.
This technology technique needs only forty milliliters of water; it is less expensive and reduces the chance of transmitting diseases as the user only touches a bar of soap suspended by a string.