Greywater is gently used water from your bathroom sinks, showers, tubs, and washing machines. It is not water that has come into contact with feces, either from the toilet or from washing diapers Greywater can also be used to irrigate vegetable plants as long as it doesn't touch edible parts of the plants.
think of the model as the data that you would put on a spreadsheet and the diagrams as the different types of charts that you can use to view and interpret that data, for instance, a pie chart or bar chart
Shows longitude lines as parallel
It was used to help sailors navigate the globe, but it becomes warped near the poles
The tilt of the Earths axis can affect where the Suns rays hit the Earth. If the northern hemisphere tilts slightly more than the southern hemisphere, the northern hemisphere is facing the sun more often, this is known as "Summer" for people in the north, and "Winter" for people in the south. Im not sure if that answered your question, but the suns rays bounce off the Earths surface and clouds and sometimes hit each other in our atmosphere.