They really help in the process of Africa's state building, creating commercial networks between parts of the continent, and introducing literacy ( especially on northern part of Africa)
They also controlled the sea route between Asia and Africa and managed to maintain the relationship between Africa and the middle east
B. market
A market economy is an economic system in which the decisions regarding investment, production and distribution are guided by the price signals created by the forces of supply and demand. The major characteristic of a market economy is the existence of factor markets that play a dominant role in the allocation of capital and the factors of production.
Coasts of Finland -
Finland coasts , contains low-lying plains. The plains have height of about 20 meters above the mean sea level. The coasts also contain Island (Aland) and Archipelago (Turku) . The coast is also rugged along the Baltic Sea. ays and inlets are present. Gulfs- of Finland and Bothnia are present.
The sediments comes from the load carried by the rivers and streams and the erosion and denudation of the coastal areas.
Coastal erosion of Finland -
1 . Rising of the global sea level due to global warming.
2 . Coastal flooding leading to erosion.
Attempts to remediate coastal erosion:
1. Building of sea walls.
2. Building of revetments along shore line.
3. Building of jetties and groins .
The magma chamber below the Yellowstone caldera. It's located in Yellowstone national park.