Dear friend
How are you doing today I hope all is well with you and your family am writing this letter to you to tell you about my upcoming birthday celebration.
I going to have a great birthday celebration at the biggest event center in the Victoria Island and all my friends and family are going to be there so pls i beg you to attend the party
Your's sincerely
Dear friend
1. This house was bought by Peter.
There are many kinds of birds in our district. the birds that are commonly found in our district are the robin, blackbird, thrush, wren, swallow, lark, corncrake, cuckoo, crow, and magpie.
The swallow, corncrake, and the cuckoo come to Ireland for the Summer, and they go away to warmer countries when it begins (to get) cold here.
The robin mostly builds its next in a hole of a ditch, with twigs, and moss, and lines it inside with hair. She lays six eggs and hatches them until young birds come out. The colour of the eggs is white with red spots.
The blackbird builds her next between roots of bushes, and lays four eggs. She hatches them for three weeks