The condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death. It is so hard because you make it hard. If you don't want it to be so hard, don't be so hard on others. If you ever need to talk to someone, i'm here. :)
Group members ignoring the feedback of those they disagree with
Be patient. That is one of the most important things. Treat the kids with respect (not to the point of being a pushover- you are the adult ofc) and they will treat you with respect most of the time. Think back to when you were in that grade and think of the things you hated doing, because most likely those kids now won’t like them either. Try to incorporate fun things into your lessons, no one is going to learn things in a class that makes you want to fall asleep. You probably already know all these things, but this is coming from a current student :)
False.A real critic will give his honest opinion.