Hitler used economic woes and strife with local jewish buisness, popular social discontent and political discord to take absolute power in Germany beginning in 1933.
be sure to paraphrase
Dear Family.
This was never an adventure. I regret ever signing up for this war.
This war doesn't seem like it'll ever end. I wonder if this will really even be the stopper to all wars.
Rats, corpses, weapons, disease, rotten food, unsanitary conditions... the list goes on in these trenches. Men getting shot left and right, endless construction, scarce food, death...
I want to go home.
Kaz Woods.
To encourage an ethnically diverse population, Germany wanted control on who should be who.
Tradición es cada una de aquellas pautas de convivencia que una comunidad considera dignas de constituirse (en este caso indígenas). Después de esto sigue como una parte integral de sus usos y costumbres y se mantiene para que sean aprendidas por las nuevas generaciones, como parte indispensable del legado cultural.