They should rely on examples and pictureds
No, it is not imagery.
Imagery would tell you how he looks specifically, these are all general observations. You cannot imagine him in a detailed manner with this info. Is he blond? Is he a brunette? Does he have pale skin? If we can't make an image in our mind, then it's not imagery. Imagery consists of SPECIFIC details. For example, imagery would be, "His eyes were a crystal blue, as if they were made of water. It seemed like you could jump right into them and swim for hours."
Scarlett can't remember anything before the age of four. That is, until she meets and inevitably falls for Noah, the gorgeous and mysterious new boy at school who is hiding a major secret of his own --- his family members are part of a potentially murderous cult called Eternal Light. And they want Scarlett. When a car accident suddenly jogs Scarlett's childhood memories, Noah has to decide where his true loyalties lie --- with his family or with the girl he wasn't supposed to fall for.
Hypermedia - An animated tv show.
Linear multimedia - An online dictionary.
Nonlinear multimedia - An interactive information kiosk at an airport.