Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
The title of my book is Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. It is written by J.K. Rowling. I really liked this book. This book is a fiction book. That of course means it’s not true.
Harry Potter is a twelve-year-old boy whose parents were killed by Voldemort. Harry has a scar shaped like a lighting bolt on his forehead. He has black hair, like his father, and green eyes, like his mother. Ron Weasley is a red haired, freckled faced boy. Ron is Harry’s best friend. He is very poor and has five older brothers and a younger sister. Hermione Granger is Harry and Ron’s other friend. She has muggle parents. She has bushy brown hair
Iambic pentameter. this is to further explain---"and sum/ mers lease/ hath all/ too short/ a date"
penta means 5, there for after you divde the sonnet up as its said youll see that there are only 5 "meters"
Here is the answer that would best complete the given statement above. William Wordsworth is considered one of the central writers of the Romantic period because his poem "The Prelude" and others. <span>Wordsworth does embody the driving force of Romanticism. We can find the traditional elements of the movement in his work. Hope this answers your question.</span>
That would be called an associate degree