A few words with the prefix pater/part are:
patriarch - head of the household
paternal - relating to the father
paternity - test to determine child's father.
they need to do something remarkable to be noticed or recognised for example have amazing behaviour or in general have a calm compusure in stressed moments and have good leading qualities and they do this stuff to get economic rewards yes
The last sentence- furthermore, city......
Observations because the others should be in your body paragraphs and the thesis is the response to the task i.e your stance on a topic,issue or claim
Answer: Dr. Seward had observed that the Renfield is a lucid.
Renfield used to collect flies and spiders. Steward had appointed a guard outside Renfield's cell to observe and regulate the aberrant behavior.
One night when Renfield screamed from his cell, Seward observed that he was badly hurt. His face was brutally beaten. He realized that Renfield cannot himself inflict wounds on his face, as his back was broken.