Nothing there is no difference to them at all
Greek civilization
There is an old saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” It could also be said that “Rome wasn’t built by the Greeks in a day.”
To this day the Greeks and Italians often point out the similarities between their cultures. Roman architecture and Greek architecture are strikingly similar. The mythology is nearly the same, though the names are different, both sets of Gods reside on Mount Olympus. Western historians talk about Magna Grecia, a period beginning in the 8th Century BC in which the Greeks colonized what is now known as modern day Sicily, Calabria, Apulia, and Salento. This could account for some of the similarities. However, we need only look to the pages of Rome’s own mythology for further insight into the Greek influences on Rome.
Garland is the original Chritmas tree decor,but it has since evolved.originally Garland consisted of various types of dried fruits and popcorn.
Music is the most abstract of all art forms. It means it is the least related to our real visual or auditory experience. However, composers willingly use imagery to create a link with our particular life experiences, most often in nature. For example, in Smetana's symphonic poem "Vltava", the listener can almost visualize the swirling river. Beethoven's "Symphony No. 6" (also known as "Pastoral Symphony") is also full of natural sounds and harmonies.