When the Black Death swept over Europe and wiped out a third of its population, it also dismantled Feudalism. Serfs were free to leave the lands of the lords to seek higher wages with the vast labour shortages. The land that had usually been the primary source of wealth was now worthless.
O. Robert La Follette.
Robert Marion La Follette was the 20th Governor of Wisconsin, active in office from 1901 to 1906. He then became a member of the US Senate and became a huge critic for the administrative policies of the US, both domestic and foreign.
While in office as the Governor, Follette helped set up direct primaries in the United States, implementing primary elections. He also supported the policy of tax reforms on corporations, the growth of trade unions, and even helped create referendum ideas, initiatives, and recall.
The Soviet Union complied to withdraw their missiles to eliminate the threat of them attacking the United States. The American Forces have established a blockade not letting anyone by unless the Soviets remove their rockets. In the end both sides made out a compromise and the world breathed out a sigh of relief.