Drugs and alcohol can greatly affect a relationship because many people depend on drugs and alcohol. This can have an effect on money and the happiness of the people in the relationship. This can cause a breakdown in the relationship and turn it toxic.
Money is a very important aspect of everyone's life, especially in a capitalist society. If a relationship is struggling to pay the bills, they often try to work more. This can cause a breakdown in communication, bad moods, and fatigue. Due to this, this can cause fighting and inevitably cause a breakdown in the relationship due to all of the stress.
By examining the stories and choices of perpetrators, bystanders, upstanders, and rescuers during the Holocaust, we are not only better able to understand what happened during this crucial period of the twentieth century but can reach a deeper understanding of the range of human behavior in any time of crisis. By examining what led some to limit their universes of obligation and see the lives of others as not worth protecting, we can gain insight into the forces in our own lives that might encourage us to act cruelly or inhumanely, or to ignore such actions by others. By hearing and honoring the stories of those who took risks, large and small, on behalf of others, we might better find within ourselves the desire to be “someone who helps” and to act with caring toward others when circumstances require.
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An outreach worker, hired to help establish an English as a Second or Other Language (ESOL) program in a community with a large Portuguese-speaking population, was having difficulty contacting potential students. Partially because of the language barrier and partially because he was an outsider, his efforts at outreach fell flat. He knew he needed help.