Your answer is C, during the Great Depression the rate of unemployment was at a high of 25.6%
D. In both regions mongols helped establish a sucessful road system.
In 1220, the army of Genghis Khan invaded the region of Persia and defeated the empire of Chorasmia. Shortly afterwards, the Sharas of Chorasmia, Ala ad-Din Mohamed II died and his son, named Jalal ad-Din Mingburnu, was unable to regain Persia's dominance.
The Mongols created a system of control and collection of taxes, whose payment was mandatory.
While Altan khan's reign is characterized by declaring Buddhism as the official religion of the Mongol empire, as his predecessors, he allowed freedom of worship.
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The French intellectual, Jean-Jacques Rousseau is best described as D. <span>an Enlightenment philosophe who believed in the goodness of human nature.</span>
In the Sykes-Picot agreement, concluded on May 19, 1916, France and Britain divided up the Arab territories of the former Ottoman Empire into spheres of influence. In its designated sphere, it was agreed, each country shall be allowed to establish such direct or indirect administration or control as they desire and as they may think fit to arrange with the Arab State or Confederation of Arab States. Under Sykes-Picot, the Syrian coast and much of modern-day Lebanon went to France; Britain would take direct control over central and southern Mesopotamia, around the Baghdad and Basra provinces. Palestine would have an international administration, as other Christian powers, namely Russia, held an interest in this region. The rest of the territory in question a huge area including modern-day Syria, Mosul in northern Iraq, and Jordan would have local Arab chiefs under French supervision in the north and British in the south. Also, Britain and France would retain free passage and trade in the other’s zone of influence.