Shellfish with a jointed exterior skeleton or shell is called a crustacean.
O C. crustacean.
Crustaceans have a hard, jointed outer skeleton, called an exoskeleton, that secures them like a defensive layer. They have five sets of jointed legs, and in certain species, the front pair of legs are changed to shape solid pliers.
Shellfish are utilized as a drawn spread as a sauce for food. Steamed, prepared or barbecued shellfish make tremendous lean protein alternatives. Crustaceans additionally incorporate crabs, lobster, crawfish, shrimp and prawn.
They are high in protein, exceptionally low in fat (and particularly low in soaked fats, which can influence cholesterol levels in an undesirable manner) and contain great omega-3 fats, which can really help bring down your cholesterol.
i can not give an answer without knowing a little bit about the book
C. Determine the type of argument and look for potential flaws
Annihilate and decimate both mean to destroy something or someone, but annihilate means to destroy something as a whole, and at a bigger scale, while decimate doesn't have to mean destroying the whole thing.
Eradicate and massacre are both violent words with the intent to convey destruction, but eradicate is a more general term, as massacre is meant to simple destroy/kill a large group of people.
Verbal and nonverbal cues can give us as human beings many different subtle cues as to what's going on in social situations. For example, certain nonverbal cues such as yawning, stretching, dreary eyes, and a hunched over body position can cue a person in rather quickly that this person is probably overtired. Furrowed eyebrows or extended staring at a specific object, or situation can help us infer that someone is perplexed. A hurried gesture, with sweeping movements of the hand towards the body implies that they want you to come towards them quickly.
Verbal cues are more obvious as thy state points more clearly, but both are efctive tools in language that we often overlook.