In the lines 1 from 18, Macbeth is very rude with the servant and he didn't believe what the servant says anymore. He also continuously insults the servant when he says, “Go... thy face and over... , / Thou lily-livered boy. What soldiers, patch? /... Those linen cheeks of thine / Are counselors to fear. What soldiers, whey-face” which are in lines 14-17. Also, Macbeth depicts the servant as a coward and a clown. Hope this helps.
Answer:The parallel structure of "he wanted, he intended, he had arranged to weep...." affects its meaning by putting emphasis on the idea that the boss is not experiencing his grief the way he expected....
Might be late, but here you go
Perplex:Confuse -> Baffle
Produced;Shaped -> Wrought
Knead;Work -> Kneaded
In this song, Dylan repeats the lines "Take the rag away from your face / Now ain't the time for your tears."
He uses these lines throughout the song in order to tell the listener that *this* isn't what they should be upset about. Don't get upset that this woman was murdered. Don't get upset that she was only a maid. Now isn't the time to get upset about these things.
By the end of the song, however, this line changes. It now becomes "Bury the rag deep in your face/ For now's the time for your tears." Dylan says that now is the time to cry because justice was not served. Zanzinger only got six months for the murder of an innocent woman.
Therefore, the repetition of these lines allows Dylan to indicate the true tragedy of this story.
It was Joshua. Hope this helps.