<span>Its called an Separatist</span>
"C. was overthrown by invading Mongol tribes in A.D. 1279" would be the best phrase describing China's Song Dynasty, but this was of course not always the case.
Based on the bill of rights, popular sovereignty, personal responsibility and the power of the government.
The religions all share the same philosophical concepts, they came to the defense for one another and they are Dharmic religions also.......
Answer: Well...I think this will help.
Slavery was common when Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) started preaching Islam. As Islam teaches equality of all human beings, the early converters to Islam were mostly the slaves and the poor. Islam does not like slavery.
But it was not possible in that society to announce it Haram. However, the Holy Prophet (SAW) commanded the Muslims to treat the slaves kindly, give them the same food which the master eats, don't be cruel to them, preferably set them free. Hazrat Zaid (rau) was a slave set free by Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). Hazrat Bilal (RAU) was also a slave bought and set free by Hazrat Abu Bakr (RAU). Both of them enjoyed more respect than many of the other Companions (RAU).