Divergent boundaries move oceanic plates (plates found in the ocean) away from each other, making magma seep in to fill those cracks, thus spreading the sea floor.
Skamania County is located on the North American Plate, just like the rest of the state of Washington. The plate immediately to the front is the Juan de Fuca Plate, which runs alongside the coast of Washington.
In fact, most of the United States is located on the North American tectonic plate, including Alaska. Only Western California is located on another plate: The Pacific Plate, whose boundary with the North American Plate is the famous San Andreas Fault.
The Constitution sets three qualifications for service in the U.S. Senate: age (at least thirty years of age); U.S. citizenship (at least nine years); and residency in the state a senator represents at time of election.
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If a country is landlocked, its literally surrounded by land.That would be physical<span />
cold air led to heavy use of coal, and the smoke from the coal fires was trapped close to the ground by a temperature inversion.