There are numerous differences between a dictatorship and a democracy. One difference is that in a dictatorship the leader has absolute authority while in a democracy the power of government is left up to the people. Another difference is that in a dictatorship leaders are very oppressive towards their citizens. If the citizens are unhappy with government and stand up against it then they are met with force. In a democracy, if the people are unhappy with their leaders they will replace the leader with a new one. A final example is that democratic government systems place checks on leaders to limit their power. In a dictatorship, there are no checks against the government. The dictator has unlimited power.
In order for an experiment to succesfully take place, the experiment must be controlated, observable, and repeatable, this means that under certain circumstances that you are able to control, you can observe an event and investigate it. It has to be observable in order to gain and gather information about the event and with this be able to come up with a conclusion of factor that make it possible and the consequences that the given event has.
ye to be a great weekend to Suna Suna hai ki main road Bangalore on my email is strictly prohibited and square root of Plassey the best regards Michael sent via Micromax Canvas prints are you going the extra for your help and support the questions kariye dilo ar amar choto bhai ar khala to
Schism of 1054 or sometimes Western schism. In 1054 a schism between the Roman Catholic church and the Greek Orthodox church started. This schism was both Theological and political. Some of the theological differences included?
1. The pope as the leader of the churches.
2. Leavened or unleavened bread used in the Eucharest.
The main political reason was the pope wanted help from Byzantium in fighting against the Norman invasion of Italy.
Aegeans because the others settled there