The journalistic value of MODERATISM represents the suspicion journalists often have of extremists on either side of an issue.
Other Basic Journalistic values are Individualism, Social Order, Leadership, Altruistic Democracy, and Responsible Capitalism
Non republican or democratic ideas.
In the United States of America, the third-Party term is used to recognize all the political parties different from Republican or Democratic political parties which are the two main influences in politics all over the country. At the moment some of the parties that are considered as third-parties are: Libertarian party, Green party, Socialism, among others.
Territories obtained in the Mexican American War of 1848 caused further sectional strife over the expansion of slavery in the ante bellum period. ... The ideological seeds of the American Civil War, in turn, were sown during that conflict.
Patrick Henery who claims the famous statement “I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”