Answer: supporting evidence, and 1 counter argument
21. Cerebral
22. Prowess
23. Petulant
24. Scrutinized
25. Blathering
Don't know-how the maths teacher and the mivelenious I will be back in touch with you about the sleepover at home now and I love u send it to you in your family and I have a great day at home now but have to the group and the kids will u have all of you and I have a few more weeks and we will be there wasn't any notes that I am very interested I will send them after the meeting and your family have a very good day at school tomorrow but if you would be able and I love u forever to send the maths and I love u send you the maths and your homework and he is going school and your homework and I love you so very much for your help with the maths and I will make my class ends at last I heard
B- logos, which is the appeal of logic. Its definitely not pathos, witch is emotional appeal, or even ethos, which is ethical appeal
Answer: give them more options for extracurricular activities, let them go out, have them walk to school, etc. it’s not hard to keep our young people healthy :)