The overall kinetic energy of the 60mph car is greater than the overall kinetic energy of the 30mph car. Because of this, it takes a greater force to stop the faster car because it has greater amount of kinetic energy (aka the amount of force needed to overcome the momentum of the faster car is larger).
File names should describe the content of the file.
File names are set of words which are used to uniquely identify computer files which are stored in a file system. This helps one to know the contents of the file which you want to find. When you name these file names you use necessary characters you use descriptive words so that you dont have hard times when searching for them. The naming also is determined by the file system you are using because different systems impose different restrictions on the length of the file names and the allowed characters within file names.
I personally think that summarizing important points is the way to go!
twos complement value is (-2^15 -1) -32768 to 32767.
excess notation value is -32768 to 32767.
unsigned binary value is (2^16) 0 to 65535
Excess notation: used to represent signed integers. Always uses fixed number of bits with leftmost representing the sign.
Twos complement notation: As opposed to excess notation, a sign bit of 0 is used to represent the non-negative (+) sign and a 1 for the negative (-); again, zero is included in the non-negative set.
Unsigned Binary values: are binary values/bits that don't have signs