Yes, i agree with this paragraph because women are often treated unfairly in the business/entertainment industry because they tend to face a lot of sexism and misogyny that they can’t whatsoever control because men till this day still view women as objects and housewives.
State legislators can change voters qualifications
Constantinopole was located in a geographic crossroad , its position was strategic and it´s still so for Turkey under its current name, Istambul.
Because of this location , the capital of the Byzantine Empire was able to receive cultural influences from Europe and Asia, from many countries. Though it was a major theological center of Christianity and a heir to Grecorroman culture, its location got it exposed to Islamic, Turkic, Persian, Caucasian, European and Jewish influences. Because it was the last point of the trade routes with Asia and one of the ending posts of the Silk Road, Constantinopole was a cosmopolitan metropolis for a good part of its history.