<u>query,</u> <u>data mining </u>
A query can be explained as another term for question.
If one needs additional information from some other person, he might have ask to him. Queries are used for the retrieval of the information.
In other words, one tries to find what have been prepared by others.
Data mining can be explained as the process that allows to sort through a large set of data for the identification of patterns.
In this process of data mining, one tries to find out the new patterns that may not be known at all.
This is a fairly large code and Is well known throughout my family since we study ancient codex and modern codes to solve crimes and find relics of the past, although our research has proven good and unicode is one that is being studied currently now, I have found it as long and very time consuming. Although ASCII is a computer code that consists of graphs and numbers it actually shortens the text. and hexadecimal has been proven to be less reliable and binary is a short code with little symbols
The constructor in the class must have the same name as the class.Constructors are used to initialize the object when created.There are basically three types of constructors which are as following:-
- Default Constructor.
- Parameterized Constructor.
- Copy Constructor.
Default Constructor:-This constructor is already present in the class when the class is defined.It does not have any arguments.
Parameterized Constructor:-As the name suggests this constructor have parameters that are used to initialize the object.
Copy Constructor:-This constructor is called whenever an object is copying the values of other object.For example:-
There is already an object present with name obj1.
class obj2=obj1;
Answer: Following is a python code
def solveEquation(x,y,z):
res=z-y+(2*x) #stores expression's value
return res
solveEquation(2,1,4) #calls function
In the above code solveEquation is the function which takes three arguments x,y and z and their type is decided while calling the function and passing the values to these arguments. After the values are passed, an equation is written which is solved and the result is stored in variable res and then that variable's value is returned.
theSum = 0.0#defined in the question.
count=0 #modified code and it is used to intialize the value to count.
data = input("Enter a number: ") #defined in the question.
while data != "": #defined in the question.
number = float(data) #defined in the question.
theSum += number #defined in the question.
data = input("Enter the next number or press enter to quit ") #defined in the question "only some part is modified"
count=count+1#modified code and it is used to count the input to print the average.
print("The sum is", theSum)#defined in the question.
print("The average is", theSum/count) #modified code and it is used to print the average value.
- If the user inputs as 1,4 then the sum is 5 and the average is 2.5.
- The above code is written in the python language, in which some part of the code is taken from the question and some are added.
- The question has a code that tells the sum, but that code is not print the average value of the user input value.
- To find the average, some codes are added, in which one count variable which is initialized at the starting of the program and gets increased by 1, when the user gives the value.
- Then that count divides the sum to print the average.