D. The metaphor demonstrates that cotton is the most important and influential crop produced in the state of Georgia.
The events of the radio version of the War of the Worlds take place in the United States, to be more precise in Grover´s Mill, New Jersey.
It was an adaption made by Orson Welles of 1898 H.G. Wells´s novel " The War of the Worlds". Orson adapted the story to placed it in 1939, year in which they were at the time of the broadcast transmission.
In the novel the events took place in England and are told to have happened before. But in the adaptation it was changed the place, the time and the tense in which the story was told. Orson Welles decided to told the story as it was happening in the present.
The following are various governments and the kinds of Political systems they practice:
- Kenya - Presidential Democracy
- Ni.geria - Presidential Democracy
- South Africa - Unitary parliamentary Democracy
- Equatorial Guinea - Presidential Democracy
<h3>What is a political system?</h3>
A political system is the collection of formal legal institutions that make up a government or a state.
Many analyses of mature political systems' legal or constitutional frameworks use this term.
<h3>What is a democracy?</h3>
The term democracy is derived from the Greek terms "demos" (people) and "kratos" (power); hence, democracy may be thought of as "power of the people": a form of government that is based on the desire of the people.
Learn more about democracy:
<span>Internet is a worldwide spread computer network. It is also called a network of networks. The process of coordinating two or more computers with cable, modem, satellite etc. is called internet. At present, it is the only means of exchanging data through computer networking. It works very easily and rapidly. To get necessary information, one needs to search Yahoo or Goggle. Internet has a lot of importance. It plays an effective role in the field of trade and commerce. At present, internet based e-commerce has become very popular all over the world. Because, customers can buy anything without going to market. It also plays an important role in the field of education. Students and teachers can easily get necessary information through internet. They can read any books without going to library. Not only students and teachers but also businesspersons, economists, doctors, politicians and other professionals can be benefited by internet. Internet has some demerits too. Our young generation can easily get pxrnxgraphic images and videos through internet. As a result, they become addicted to it and thus their moral character is damaged. However, the use of internet in our country is very expensive. Our government should take necessary steps to manage easy access to internet for the people of Bangladesh.