One of the things that motivated American Imperialism is economic. During that time, the US was already gaining industrial power, which means that they were trying to find new markets to sell their goods. Another motive that led to imperialism was military power.
After the invention of the printing press by Gutenberg many more ways or architecture opened up as well as new ideas of technology. Gutenberg creating the printing press allowed us to further innovate his ideas to technological advanced printers. Many great thinkers including Gutenberg inspired others to try inventing something for once. Plus with the printing press being able to print books it improved children’s learning.
The abolitionist newspaper "The liberator" looked at slavery from the point of view slaves.
The abolitionist newspaper The liberator was publishes by William Llyod Garrison from Boston and he is known to be one of the radical abolitionists and demanded immediate emancipation of all the slaves.The newspaper denounced Kansas-Nebraska Act and denounced the compromise of 1850.
"The liberator"looked at slavery from the point of view of a slave and fought for their liberation and challenged the position of slave owners in the south.
Generally speaking, the name for the informal councils, like town meetings, where workers, farmers, and soldiers came together was the Duma, although these were implemented by the Czar.
The Roman empire was well organized with good roads & active trade, so the new religion could spread easily. Constantine was a sun worshipper who feigned Christianity so he could take control and throw out it's one and only goal