I think it is a noun phrase, and not appositive.
The correct answer choice is answer choice B, The monster reared its head at the tourists. Many people do not understand the difference between its and it's.
Its - possessive form of it
It's - contraction meaning 'it is'
When trying to figure out whether to use 'its' or 'it's', ask yourself if the sentence makes sense when you substitute 'it is'. If it does, then use 'it's'. If it doesn't, use 'its'.
Answer: The craftsmen meet to assign and discuss the roles they will have, “… to play in our interlude before the Duke and the Duchess on his wedding day at night.” Quince wrote and is directing this play for Theseus’ and Hippolyta’s wedding, which is to be held during the new moon, four days hence.
Explanation: Read the book.
The answer would be the second option
A soliloquy, similar to a monologue, is a speech, but it's a speech that one gives to oneself regardless of whose hearing, it is used as a tool to better help the audience to understand what the character is feeling internally. An example of one, and perhaps the most famous is this one:
To be, or not to be, — that is the question: —
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
<span>And by opposing end them? (etc.)</span>