Four binary digits
A single hexadecimal digit can represent four binary digits.
Mouse and Keyboard are the devices which can be used to give input to the computer.
Mouse and Keyboard both are connected with the CPU via USB cable. Mouse consists of 3 major buttons, left button(for click to get the task to be done), right button (to get options) and wheel (to scroll up and down the page on screen). Keyboard is use to type text and letters as per need.
The farming of maize began in Mesoamerica in 6000 B.C.
The domestication of maize made the city of Tenochtitlan possible by providing the Aztecs the ability to feed millions. Unlike the corn that is known today, the early maize had tiny cobs but dramatically became bigger and more nutritious as time passed.
There is a table in the database named Teacher having columns Email, Expiry Month etc. this query is selecting the email address from the table Teachers on the basis of expiry month that is February.\