23 chromosomes.
Meiosis is the process by which the chromosome number is halved during gamete formation. So chromosomes are 46 and get halved to 23 during the process of meiosis.
Unicellular Organisums:
Unicellular organisms don't live as long and multicellular organisms. Unicellular organisms are smaller and they are faster at reproduction. Disadvantages- Unicellular organisms only have one cell that is used to function their entire being. Short life span, can't grow lager then multicellular organisms.
Multicellular organisums:
Intelligence and Evolution.
Bigger Is Better.
Less Stress Equals A Longer Lifespan.
Cells Can Take Care Of Each Other.
More Energy Is Needed For Normal Functioning.
Infection Becomes A Possibility When Multicellular.
Takes Longer To Reach Maturity And To Breed
D. Use the polymerase chain reaction
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a molecular technique used to make multiple copies or amplify a particular DNA sample. This enables scientist conduct thorough genetic analysis on minute sample of DNA, simply by amplifying it to a large quantity.
The PCR machine is usually used to amplify DNA fragment. The DNA fragments undergo three major steps successively: denaturation, annealing and elongation
pressure is force per unit area where uptrust is a force on upper surface