A North American Union, by EU's example, would mean that the US, Canada, and Mexico will function as one in many ways. The borders will be open, both for economic actions and for free movement of people. While this may seem good at first sight, it will actually cause some major problems as well. The US and Canada will face a major population increase in a very short period of time. The people from Mexico will rush to move into these two countries because of better living conditions and more job opportunities, which in turn will cause massive depopulation in Mexico. On one side, Mexico will face major economic problems because of a sharp decline in its labor force, while on another side, the people in the US and Canada will face problems because there will be tens of millions of new laborers that will offer their services for lower wages. This will lead to tens of millions of people losing their jobs or not being able to find j
sedimentary (ex: limestone), metamorphic (ex: marble), igneous (ex: granite)
sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous are the 3 types of rocks formed by the rock cycle. didnt know if you only needed that or examples of each kind so I gave both. also not important but a fun fact igneous means made by fire, metamorphic (think of a butterfly, they go through metamorphosis) this means they change, and sedimentary (rocks pressed together to form a new one often found after events such as erosion, etc). hope this helps :)
It was Alps its located in the south central Europe, they extend for almost 700miles from the coastline of southern france
What mountain range is found in the south central europe ::: ALPS IS THE MOUNTAIN.