Acupuncture points are considered to be a very sensitive part of the body. Some people believe that putting pressure on the points of acupuncture in our body can relieve pain, restore balance and improve overall health.
Human touch and tissue massage have great benefits, but reflexology and acupressure are not well-studied methods.
More scientific research is needed to prove the advertised health benefits, but many are experiencing the ability to relieve limited side effects and pain and promote relaxation. Let's take a look at the points of acupuncture and moxibustion.
The base of the tip of the thumb is on the wrist. Move one finger over your thumb to the crease in your wrist at the base of your thumb. It is believed that applying gentle pressure and massaging this point with your fingers will help relieve airway and breathing problems.
Learn more about ancient Chinese therapy at
My trip to Texas was Fantastic.
Mainstream media.
No, the title says it all: FAIR: Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting. There is no way this is really fair an unbiased.
No, it is not fair, and the reader better use discretion while viewing it.
Yes, the title says it all: FAIR: Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting.
Because of the newly developed biometric technology, the FBI was able to
quickly identify two suspects.
The blurry photos released by the FBI after the bombing prompted
researchers to improve their early biometric software.
Because biometric technology was unavailable at the time, the Boston
Marathon bomber remains at large.
The Boston Marathon bombing made researchers aware of how biometric
technology is sometimes useless and ineffective.