The sentence that does not contain any errors in comma usage is option C. Mick introduced me to his dog, a golden retriever. The word "dog" and the phrase "a golden retriever" is separated by a comma because the phrase "a golden retriever" is an example of an appositive phrase. An appositive is a phrase that is used to rename or describe the noun it precedes. In this case, the phrase "a golden retriever" renames the word "dog". Appositive phrases which are additional information should always be set off by a comma or a pair of commas.
To synthesize, one starts with different, unrelated parts, and search out relationships in order to put the parts together to make a new whole. Hence, the act of collapsing ideas is known as synthesis.
<h3>Synthesising an academic writing</h3>
One can synthesise by combining appropriate parts from different reading selections such as;
- definition and examples of digested chapter in a language textbook
- examples from researched articles on phrases, clausal types
- examples from discourse in daily conversations
Your research paper would mix themes from all of these sources to support your original insight and assertion (thesis) about assimilation and adaptation.
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