7. B
8. The Dust Bowl was caused by several economic and agricultural factors, including federal land policies, changes in regional weather, farm economics, and other cultural factors. After the Civil War, a series of federal land acts coaxed pioneers westward by incentivizing farming in the Great Plains.
9. Herbert Hoover was under the impression that the stock market crash of 1929 was a simple market correction, that it would go away if everybody just acted like everything was normal, and that markets simply do these things from time to time. Billboards circa 1930 with the blurb "Wasn't the depression terrible?" kind of summed up his tone-deaf approach to massive unemployment and runs on banks. He honestly believed that government intervention was not the answer. By the time Roosevelt took office in 1933, he understood that no quick solutions were to be had. He did start a lot of public works projects, like the Works Projects Administration, and the Tennessee Valley Authority. He also instituted several "bank holidays" to discourage panic-driven depositors from taking all their money out of their banks. Austerity became the new normal in America and stayed that way until the US entered World War II.
Brainlist Pls!
Caspian Depression, Kazakstan
The Caspian Depression encompasses the northern part of the Caspian sea. The deepest point of this huge depression lies in a karst trench on the eastern side of the Caspian Sea in Kazakhstan. The low point, Karigiye, is 433 feet (132 meters) below sea level.
sole proprietorship
This is a business, unincorporated,run by an individual with no distinction between the owner and the business. The owner is not only entitled to all the profits but also,in case business goes wrong, is responsible solely for the losses. In addition, there is no distinction between the owner and the debt, such that in case the business goes into debt the responsibility for paying these debts rests on owner.
The great depression challenged american families in major ways, placing great economic, social, and psychological strains on these families. they became democrats, since the president that brought the great depression was republican, americans voted democrat for the next five years.