There is typically more than one way to communicate an idea with regard to sentence structure, and how the sentence is structured contributes to its tone. For instance, short/brief sentences can contribute to a sense of hurry or haste. For instance let’s look at the following sentences:
I was late. I quickly ate. I brushed my teeth. I forgot to comb my hair. Then, I was out the door.
Can you feel the tone of urgency communicated by the short sentences?
Likewise, long and drawn out sentences can provide the tone of sluggishness and/or unwillingness. This is something to keep in mind when constructing your own sentences—as you are writing always be aware of your sentence structure and the tone it may communicating.
This question is about "Anne Frank's diary"
He is caught stealing bread.
Mr. Van Daan was hiding with his family and the Frank family while he waited for the war to end and the Jews to live freely again.
The situation in the hideout was not the most comfortable and neither was the situation in the country. Food rationing was necessary because the production was small in the country. In the hideout, this rationing was even greater, however, Mr. Van Daan was caught stealing bread, which explains why other people who lived in the hideout were unable to eat bread and often did not satisfy their hunger.
The crowds of people who were climbing up the hill suddenly caught sight of the peach,a terrible monster,plunging down upon them.
Nick and Tom come from the same social background, which is, not incidentally, the same as that of F. Scott Fitzgerald himself. They are of the Midwestern upper classes, transplanted to and educated in the East. Tom and Nick were at Yale together, giving them both an assurance in their social status that Gatsby lacks.
False. <span>
The two major divisons of the nervous system is the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS)</span>