Vivir would be: Vivo, Vives, Vive, Vivimos Vivis (the second i has that accent thing), & Viven
Partir: Parto, Partes, Parte, Partimos, Partis(again the i has an accent), & Parten
Permitir: Permito, Permites, Permite, Permitimos, Permitis (2nd i has an accent), & permiten
Decidir : decido, decides, decide, decidimos, decidís, & deciden
Reciber: recibo, recibes, recibe, recibimos,
recibís, reciben
Apluadir: aplaudo, aplaudes, aplaude, aplaudimos, aplaudís, aplauden
Describir: Describo, Describes, Describe, Describimos, describís, Describen
Subir: Subo, Subes, Sube, Subimos, subís, suben
Compartir: Comparto, Compartes, Comparte, Compartimos, compartís, & comparten
Ellas dan un paseo(feminine)
Ellos dan un paseo(masculine)
Stem-Changing Verb Quiz
Complete these sentences by choosing the correct verb in parentheses and writing
the appropriate form in the blank.
1. Me (repeat / lunch) _ lunch in the cafeteria at two.
2. You (want / repeat) repeat
3. Don't you (play / understand) _ understand the lesson?
4, Maria (prefer / say) _oefire
The white blouse
5. They (close / start) will be the door
6. You (play / sleep) go
to American football.
7. I (find / return) Flight or earrings in jewelry.
8. We cannot (can / cost) can go to the dance.
9. Betina and Paulina (return / order)
help with the homework.
10. You (want / sleep) -
Buy some presents.
Il wing cimple sentences into Spanish
Answer: Preparaban mucha comida.
<em>Every year for Christmas, grandparents prepared a lot of food to receive the whole family. Cousins and uncles came from everywhere to celebrate. They had the tradition of eating tamales at midnight. The entire family met and sang Christmas songs, and they were very happy. For Mother's Day, everyone was together again to celebrate and had typical meals. </em>
<em>What were the grandparents doing for Christmas? </em>
- <em>They were going to visit his family. </em>
- <em>They were going to buy gifts. </em>
- <em>They prepared a lot of food. </em>
- <em>They went to the park.</em>
Este texto nos cuenta algo muy común en la navidad; la familia reunida para la época navideña. En los países de latinoamericano la familia es de suma importancia y es usual que la familia nuclear y la familia extendida se reúnan y celebren juntos hasta cuatro generaciones. El cocinar comidas típicas es muy importante pues es la forma en la que se conservan las tradiciones.
El día de las madres es otra fecha muy importante donde la familia se reúne y celebra.
Espero esta información sea de tu ayuda.
Jugar con mi familia, o mirar un película en mi casa. ( idk what your question is )