Meat consumption
Oil dumping
Cutting down forest
Driving our vehicles
Las paredes externas de una casa o un automóvil brindan una barrera fuerte e inflexible que protege a sus habitantes humanos de un mundo externo rudo e impredecible. Podría esperarse que el límite externo de una célula viva estuviera construido de una barrera igual de fuerte e impenetrable porque también debe proteger su delicado contenido interno ante un ambiente no vivo y a menudo inhospitalario. Sin embargo, las células están separadas del mundo externo por una estructura delgada y frágil llamada membrana plasmática que sólo mide 5 a 10 nm de espesor. Se requerirían casi 5 000 membranas plasmáticas apiladas una sobre otra para igualar el grosor de una sola página de este libro.
DRT = 90%
Cells present = 10^6
Autoclaving = 1.5 minutes
it would take it approximately 10.5 minutes to kill 10^6 of the cells.
If i should stop the heating process at 9 minutes this would have effect on some of the microbes as they are still present with 1 bacterium left which makes it not efficient.
The foramen magnum was not located at the bottom of the skull
The foramen magnum is a large hole or opening found in the base of the skull through which the spinal cord passes.
The position of the foramen magnum is important since it allows the skull to balance on the body hence essential for posture.
Humans are bipedal and Howler monkeys are quadrupedal hence the positioning of the foreman will be different.
That is how the skull found was realized it was not human
1. Each Giraffe's neck length is different
2. The tall neck Giraffes reproduced and their off spring inherited their genes
3. A drought occurred.