A defendant would be wise to settle out of court if he/she wants to keep details of the case private. Doing this could also save you money, stress, and time.
John calvin beilived that the teaching of the catholic church and the Anglican church were not of God's teaching / will . While the pilgrims wanted to be seperate from the Anglican Church. In which they were faced with harassment In which the two groups believed it would be better to leave England. So that they could practice their religion in peace and better for their children. Lastly to not be harassed. As well as their children growing up by not being deceived by the teachings of the England church .
He established the Hull House
If this helps leave a brainliest and have a fantastic day :-)
The economic status in the United States during President Ford's administration can accurately be labeled as "terrible," since he presided over the worst economy in the US since the Great Depression.