48 is 80% of 60
48 of 60 can be written as 48/60
Multiply both the numerator and the denominator by 100
48/60 · 100/100 = 80/100 = .8 = 80%
If you are using a calculator, simply enter 48 ÷ 60 · 100 which will give you 80 as the answer.
Step-by-step explanation:
6x - 15 = 75, 6x = 90, x = 15.
2(2x - 1) = 46, 2x - 1 = 23, x = 12.
x + (x - 10) = 26, 2x = 36, x = 18.
5x - 3x = 10, 2x = 10, x = 5.
Hence the equations
in increasing order of x-values are:
5x - 3x = 10,
2(2x - 1) = 46,
6x - 15 = 75, and
x + (x - 10) = 26.
(2/1 )(3/2)(4/3)...(n-1/n-2)(n/n-1)(n+1/n) = n + 1
n + 1 = n + 1
1 = 1 ( Fact )
Thus it is not importent what the value of n is at all because the equation is always have the equal number ( which is 1 ) in both sides .
Five-eighths inch on a ruler is a mark past 1/2 inch and before 1 inch. If the ruler divides the inches into eighths, 5/8 inch is the fifth mark on the ruler from the left side. If the ruler divides the inches into 16ths, it is the 10th mark.