Distribution of phenotypes within a population may be impacted by different types of natural selection. These types of selection include;
Directional selection involves a change in the environment shifts of phenotypes observed. Example is the giraffe neck-length, where the length got longer and longer over time to reach the leaves at the top of trees.
Stabilizing selection , this is a selection where an average phenotype is favored. example is number of eggs laid by birds such that too many eggs will be a waste of energy because some chicks would starve.
Disruptive selection is a selection where individuals with an average value of a trait are affected most while those with values below average are affected least. Example small individuals are capable of hiding from predators while big individuals can not fit in the hiding place but instead will fight with predators.
If it doesnt have a nucleus or a cell wall it is a prokaryote. also prokaryotes displayed in pictures tends to be longer
O founder's effect
A founder effect can be defined as the loss of genetic variation when a new population is established from a few individuals. This process is known to increase the frequency of particular gene variants (alleles) at different <em>loci</em> when they are selectively neutral (or nearly neutral), and thereby such genes are fixed by genetic drift (i.e., through the random sampling of founder individuals). Interestingly, it has been discovered that the majority of South American and Central American Indians are nearly exclusively in the O blood group, which has been further associated with random genetic drift and a founder effect.
Addition of a(n) methyl group to certain lysine residues of a histone protein makes the region of chromatin transcriptionally silent; addition of a(n) acetyl group to certain lysine residues makes the region of chromatin transcriptionally active.
The changes suffered in the expression and activity of the genes are studied by the Epigenetics.