Work opportunity
freedom of speech
freedom of religious
La demanda de trabajo se define como la cantidad de trabajo que los empleadores buscan contratar durante un período de tiempo dado a una tasa salarial particular. La demanda de trabajo como factor de producción es una demanda derivada, en el sentido de que el trabajo no se demanda por sí mismo sino por su contribución a la producción de bienes y servicios.
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The meaning of apartheid is a former social system in South Africa in which black people and people from other racial groups did not have the same political.
<span>Watching the Bobo doll being pounded on TV by an adult has the same inference for a child or adult as if it were happening right in from of them because whether it is on a metal box or right in front of us, we are able to discern that the deed is actually happening. We can actually see it happening.</span>