So that they can use them as primary sources to find out the most accurate facts
People usually belong to political parties. However, even within the parties themselves, there are smaller groups, called "factions". These "factions" are part of the larger group (parties) and they are committed to a common political purpose.
These people who are part of a political faction within a political party, band together to achieve a common goal or interest. They want to advance a certain agenda, such as certain policies that are important to the group within the political party.
The cult of personality around Hirohito made the Japanese people, including the military, agree with everything Hirohito did, including his war efforts.
In his own way, Hirohito was equivalent to Hitler in Nazi Germany, or Mussolini in Fascist Italy: they built a cult of personality around their figure, concentrated political and military power, and in that way, gained support from the vast majority of their country's population, to advance the war.
The Japanese case is particular because the Japanese were extremely nationalist, and the Japanese soldiers were not willing to surrend even in the most difficult situations, because they wanted to protect the honor of Japan, represented by the honor of the Emperor Hirohito.
The correct answers are options 3 and 4. The Magna Carta gave the right to defend oneself against an oppressive government when needed, and it also limited the power that the government could hold and use. It helped to protect the citizens from the government.
The Magna Carta had a strong influence in the United States Constitution as well as on the constitutions of various states. In addition, the United States Bill of Rights had several guarantees that came from rights protected by the Magna Carta.