The actual work of tattooing it on your skin would probably qualify like that but they also often do the design work on the tattoo itself (they would own the copyright to that). And if they don't do it then they adapt work from somebody else (who owns the copyright to the image).
Revised (active voice): Superintendent assumed that the trip had been postponed until the next Thursday.
Revised (active voice): By the 15th of every month, the completed form should be submitted to Tim Hagen.
Revised (active voice): The fluid should be allowed to dry for eight to ten seconds after being applied sparingly.
Revised (active voice): Researches defined the metropolitan area as the countries related by communiting patterns.
<span>All human endeavors eventually disappear.</span>
The narrator feels as if they are sick,and if she/he got on the bus they will feel humiliated. Insted a couple of friends in her/his class was with the narrator, Ms.Gruwell was the only one who could talk to her/him about anything,and talking to her/his friends made the narrator feel completely better.