Nonrenewable sources deal with fossil fuels (coal, petroleum, etc) so renewable would be the sun, water, wind, things that can be replaced
The phenotype is the physical appearance of an organism, while the Genotype is the genetic composition of an organism. Phenotype is observable and are the expression of the genes of an individual. So even the organism with the same species may differ, with a minute difference in their genotype. This is the main difference between the two.
We can notice one’s hair colour, eye colour, height, weight, skin colour, etc. but cannot look at genes responsible for these characters, so the observable physical look is the phenotype while the unnoticed genes responsible for such characters present in the DNA of cell of the individual is genotype.
To explain the above lines, here is the simple example of a pure red colour flowering plant (RR) is crossed with the white colour flowering plant (rr). The result of the Genotype of the F1 generation will be – Rr (Hybrid red colour), and the Phenotype of the F1 generation will be the – Red colour flowering plant.
Genotype and phenotype are the two very closely related and similar-sounding words, but their meaning is different. Our earth has a dynamic variety of organisms, present in soil, water and on land. But as the genome of each organism is different, and so there phenotypes also whether it’s their colour, height, weight or other morphological features.
Contagious is a method in which a bloodborne pathogen may be transmitted
Contagious are contacted as a result of transmission through blood contact, serum, sweat among others where diseases are said to be infectious
Cuando la célula madre se divide varias veces de forma consecutiva y los núcleos se rodean del citoplasma dentro de ella, es una reproducción tipo: <u>esporulación</u>.
En la reproducción asexual, un solo ser origina nuevos individuos iguales entre si e iguales a su progenitor. Este tipo de reproducción es común en ciertos invertebrados, en las bacterias y en los protozoarios. La esporulación es uno de los tipos de reproducción asexual, esta consiste en varias divisiones del núcleo que se envuelve de fragmentos citoplasmáticos, originando muchos descendientes genéricamente idénticos. Dicha reproducción permite la formación de esporas y la liberación de las mismas cuando las paredes de la célula se rompen. Se observa en ciertas especies de protozoarios.