<span>This is the functionalist theory of aging. It is similar to traditional structural-functionalism of sociological theory. In such, having a function that a person or object can accomplish increases the utility and worth of the object (or person, in this case). This increase in utility increases the satisfaction, as well.</span>
The correct answer is letter d. mountain men.
Mountain men are described as <span>explorers or adventurers, who dwells </span>inside the wilderness<span>. Mountain men </span>have been most common within the Rocky Mountains in North America <span>from </span>approximately<span> 1810 and throughou</span><span>t the </span>1880s.
True ,The Japanese did not trust the Portuguese because they attempted to convert Japanese people to Christianity
In every state, the Executive branch is headed by a GOVERNOR who is directly elected by the people.
All 50 states have legislatures made up of elected representivies.
I hope this helps!