Communicate With Impact. Ensure Everything You Write Comes Across The Way You Intend. Present Your Best Self Every Time You Type. Make Your Writing Clear and Engaging. Eliminate grammar errors.
Explanation: I am not sure
I wish teachers would understand that giving a large amount of homework just doesn’t fit in some of our time schedules. That we can’t finish an essay in a night. We have about 4 other classes that give the same amount if not more homework. I also wish that teachers would understand some students are too shy to ask for help or to ask about the question or to answer it.
Infer - means to so read what passage ya need to read, and like highlight the parts about the characters and there feelings.
In "The Story of an Hour," Mrs. Mallard's death contributes to the author's point about a woman's lack of freedom. ... She dies from the shock of this realization -- not from joy at his being alive. Therefore, her death contributes to the story's meaning that women, especially married women, are not free.