The beginning of 1917 was a very turbulent period during the follow of events of the WWI. Germany announced in January, it would engage against any Allied shipping using its submarine force. In February of that same year the president Wilson told the Congress that the US had broken diplomatic relations with the German government.
In march of that year Germany sank five US vessels, contributing to the already unstable American society. The british propaganda in the US and the deep economical involvement with the Allies carried the country to finally enter the War.
The Aztec Empire was more a set of different peoples than a homogeneous and peaceful culture. The elite in Tenochtitlán oppressed city-states around it with heavy taxes and kept its dominance through a strong military.
This created many enemies of the Aztec Empire and so it happened that when the Spanish arrived these peoples joined forces with them to destroy Tenochtitlán.
It's important to remember that Aztec Empire it's not how they called themselves in the 1500s. "Aztec" is a term that began to be utilized only in the 1800s by European scholars. In the 1500s the people of Tenochtitlán called themselves Mexicas.
C. Nixon quit as president before the Watergate
scandal made the news.
Peasants grew the crops and tended the livestock. They generally rented strips of land from th elrod of the manor, and paid rent in in the form of labour on the lord's own farm (demesne). Peasants made money by selling their surplus produce. In time, this labour rent was replaced by cash rent, which was more convenient for both lord and peasant. some peasants worked as paid labor on the lord's demesne, or sometimes poor peasants with little or no land of their own worked for wealthier peasants as servants or laborers.