b) Zitkála-Šá traveled with several other children to a missionary school in the east. She was treated much differently at school than at her home, which caused her anxiety and pain. Her first night at the school, she cried herself to sleep, grieving the absence of her mother and aunt.
The arrival of Sa's at school was traumatic. All the kids got haircuts. Only enemy-captured cowards got haircuts in Dakota culture. Zitkala-Sa hid in a vacant room. The school personnel brought her out, strapped her to a chair, and chopped off her braids as she wailed. She later said that school employees didn't care about her sentiments and treated children like "little animals."
After a few years, Zitkala-Sa was allowed to visit her mother during school breaks. Her mother urged her to quit school during the visit. Later, she said, visiting home was sad. The teacher returned. She may have felt that she didn't belong on the reserve, like many children. School altered her.
Sam said, “Now I get a turn! Let’s read my dinosaur book!”
Can you be more specific?
Answer: A: Norris wanted to change the date of the inauguration because he believed it was unfair.
Norris considered the long lame-duck period as unfair because it allowed outgoing congress members to sign laws despite a new administration having been elected.
Norris´ initiative was aimed to avoid the lame-duck Congress before the inauguration, not to empower it. The time for a new president to plan before the inauguration was already established before the amendment, and was actually considered too long for that historical time. The date of the inauguration was moved from March 4 to January 20, not to the day after the election, as that wouldn´t be enough even today.