1. Julián es más organizado que su vecino.
2. Matilde es tan inteligente como su hermana.
3. Elena corre tanto como José.
Identifying the narrator and the time that a sentence indicates is the first step that must be taken. this is very important to be able to logically conjugate the verbs, and that these have concordance with what is being expressed.
What I do on New Years as a Mexican, me and my family make a big feast with tamales, ponche, atole, and other foods. In some places, we shoot at the sky once a new year starts as a celebration. Like you pull out a pistol and fire away at the sky with energy, but we don't do that here in the US because we would probably get police called on us.
I'm Mexican.
Mi familia y yo miramos la televisión
A mi me gustaria invitad mis amigos a una fiesta. Tambien me gustaria salir a comer y gozarme en la playa con mi familia