Unless you share the backup HD only the local user is going to see it. Given that it's a server, it's not a problem. You can also hide the backup with attributes +h +s and many other ways.
Following are the program in python language
def prob3_6(k): #function definition
c = 0 #variable declaration
while k != 1: #iterating the while loop
print(k) #print k
if k % 2 == 0:#check if condition
k= k // 2 #divisible by 2
else: #else condition
k = k * 3 + 1
c = c + 1
print(k) #print k
print c #print count
prob3_6(3)#function call
Following are the description of program
- Create a function "prob3_6" in this function we passing an integer parameter of type "int" named "k".
- Inside that function we declared a variable "c" of type "int" that is used for counting purpose .
- After that we iterated the while for print the value of when it is not equal to 1 .
- We check if condition when k gives 0 on modulus then k is divisible by 2 otherwise else block will be executed in the else part we multiply by 3 to k and add 1 to the k variable .
- Finally print "k" and "c"
The hottest food in the world is a Ghost Pepper. It is 400 times hotter than Tabasco sauce. It was 1 million SHU's! Hope this helps! ^0^
The correct answer is: Ghost Peppers
It wouldn't be legal practice of SLS’
The Internet service address is the address of the internet where we getting the address of the internet sometimes it is known as the computer address of the host machine.
Since the miller has changed the Ip address continuously in a constant manner also the other address which is giving by the internet service provider The transfer of IP address, Miller will be able to receive their network. That sort of practice is not legal of SLS.